I. Choir2 February
“Strong God”Candlemas

We humans cannot imagine the holy seraphim at all. For, when we say so casually, “Yes, the seraphim, they are the many-winged ones!” it is like saying, “Of course we can imagine the sea: it makes waves!”

Let us think of a burning flame ascending, as far as we possibly can, and one burning downward, and one on all sides, as far as it can possibly be imagined, and this blaze is extended into space like a solar system and all of this is formed into one creature… then we have just a sketch of a seraph. There are twenty-one like this, and none of these immense “love-solar-systems” bumps into the other or blinds it, and each seraph revolves effortlessly and with immense speed, exulting in bliss, around itself and around the Throne of the Most High, and awakens by its sight a celestial maximum of exultation and love and bliss, which we mortals cannot conceive, nor comprehend, nor imagine.

At the same time they are still much, much more glorious than the human tongue can ever explain. They are the first Become! from divinity into creatureliness; they are the creatures closest to God. Man can only represent God in his poor earthly forms but never in His truth and reality, before which the angels cover themselves trembling and fall down on their faces.

Saint Elion is the name of the angel of this day. He is a seraph of the Father. Together with his two brothers, Saint Jessi, the seraph of the Son, and Saint Amen, the seraph of the Spirit, they are one seraph and yet three, the reflection of the Triune God. They are also known as the Wheel of Fire of the Last Days, because, as the bearers of God’s flaming righteousness, they will run as three glowing wheels over creation. The name Elion signifies The Strong One. He will call and will also enforce the word of God: “The glory and righteousness of God has dawned; from now on the Hand of the Judge shall reign!”

The end times cast their shadows in advance… and if God presents this seraph to us today as an intercessor, this should be a reminder that God the Father also demands not just love but also justice for Mary. Mary’s admonitions and warnings do not go out to mankind in vain, “Wake up while there is still time!”

Prayer: Lord do not judge us without having heard Mary, our Intercessor. For the sake of Your holy angels, enter mercifully into judgment with us, that we may praise You through Her Hand. Amen.