IV. Choir2 January
Bound love of God

Saint Urim, the angel who carries the bound love of God as life, belongs to the fourth choir, the Dominions. He is fettered because the love of God puts fetters on Himself for the sake of man, in order to leave man completely free in his will. Thus man walks between the love and the righteousness of God, in the power and in the Name of Jesus, for “there is no other Name under heaven given among men whereby we may be saved.”

The word bound means the same as sealed. In each of the three choirs in the Ring of God’s Order and Omnipotence over all Creation – and these are the fourth choir of Dominions, the fifth choir of Powers and the sixth choir of Princes (also called Forces)—the middle part of the choir is sealed or bound because its mighty blasting and fighting activity will only be released in the end times. Thus Saint Urim is still bound also. He is the first of those four corner-pillar angels in this choir section of the Sealed Dominions, which are also called the Four Winds, the Four Waters, the Four Arrows and the Four Flames, bound “on the Euphrates,” the image of the flowing life of humanity.

Saint Urim is like a dark, thunderous cloud, spreading wide. Behind the darkness of the cloud stands the Almighty. In due time He will come forth and call His angels over the earth for the last harvest and the last judgement. Blessed are those then who already bear the Name of Jesus on their foreheads and firmly anchored in their hearts!

Prayer: Holy Angel, Saint Urim, named with thy brethren in the Secret Revelation as one of those bound on the banks of the Euphrates (image of the river of life) and who wears a chain made of golden triangles as a symbol, let us gain eternal life in the Name of Jesus. Amen.