Angel Choirs

Ring1Choir No.Choir NameStream of Grace2
Ring of AdorationI.SeraphimLove
Ring of AdorationII.CherubimPower
Ring of AdorationIII.ThronesLife
Ring of God’s Order and OmnipotenceIV.DominionsLove
Ring of God’s Order and OmnipotenceV.PowersPower
Ring of God’s Order and OmnipotenceVI.PrincesLife
Ring of the Incarnation and RedemptionVII.VirtuesLove
Ring of the Incarnation and RedemptionVIII.ArchangelsPower
Ring of the Incarnation and RedemptionIX.AngelsLife
  1. See Introduction for further details about the hierarchical rings. ↩︎
  2. See Introduction for further details about the streams of grace. ↩︎