
DayFeast of DayAngel of DayChoirTask/Known as
1.Giles, Ruth, VerenaMyrrhaelVI.Angel of order, of personality
2.Stephen of Hungary, EmmerichHathanaelV.Angel of the power of the sacrifice of praise
3.Pius X, Rosalia, IdaZaphkielII.“The condescension of God”
AbdaelIX.“Carry me!”
4.LaurenceHananiIX.“He who heals the broken”
5.Laurence JustinianKepharnimV.Power of tension
6.MagnusMathaIX.Counsellor of youth
7.ReginaThumimIV.Bearer of the love of God as power
8.Birth of MaryHanaelII.“Praise of God”
JesimV.“Fiat mihi”
9.Peter ClaverTanaelVI.Angel of children
10.Nicholas of TolentinoLairielVI.Prince of radiance
11.Helga, RegulaKadmirielVII.Virtue of humility of faith
12.Holy Name of MaryElohimI.Bearer of the divine power of Mary
ArimIII.Throne of the beauty of God’s work
13.NotburgaJehodVII.Virtue of holy states in the Church
14.Exaltation of the CrossThelamimV.Power of faith
PhasedIX.Angel of the Liturgy of the Hours, of Compline
15.Sorrows of MaryRophIII.Angel of earth
SabbatielIV.Angel with the bowl of wrath of natural disasters
16.Cornelius, EdithThaddimV.Power of creativity
17.Holy Stigmata of Francis of AssisiOriphielII.The treader of the winepress
18.Joseph of CupertinoCheloimV.Worshipper from the deep
19.JanuariusChajahIX.Angel with the wedding garment
20.EustaceBeraelVI.Prince of clear conscience
21.Matthew, Ev.MelechII.Angel of the Gospel
22.Thomas of Villanova, MauriceKyrielVII.Virtue of the fear of God
23.Thecla, LinusSesacharVI.Prince of the day, of light, of labour
24.Mary, Ransom of CaptivesAdonaiI.“Lord and King”
MiguelIX.He carries the love of God into the depths of suffering
25.Nicholas of FlueSichaelIX.He breaks bread in the light and in the dark
26.Emmeram of RegensburgDirachielVI.Angel of peace
27.Cosmas and DamianPharasimV.Power of love as construction
28.Wenceslaus, LiobaOrpharVI.Prince of the night, of sleep
29.MichaelMichaelVIII.Conqueror of Lucifer
30.JeromeMachaanajimVII.Virtue of the legal structure of the Holy Church