Prayer to the Nine Choirs of Holy Angels

O ye holy angels of the ninefold hierarchy! You have been chosen to co-order and co-rule in the universe! Help us so that the whole of creation may become a ladder to Heaven on which we may ascend ever higher to the sure love of God and descend ever lower to the love of man.

O ye holy angels of the ninefold hierarchy, from your eternal insight into the divine being, knowledge and will, a measure of caring love flows to you that surpasses all human imagination. Influence individuals, families and nations as angelic princes over communities and countries, parishes and dioceses, state and church, until true peace among nations is established and the expansion of the Church is completed.

O ye holy angels of the ninefold hierarchy! You accompany the Divine Saviour in the triumphal procession of the Holy Mass around the globe. You unceasingly adore Jesus in every tabernacle of the earthly round. You are consumed with zeal for the recognition of God and of His Name. Through your power of adoration and praise, let whole floods of holy fervour flow to our hearts, until we ourselves burn up in holy love for Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. May we earn the guarantee of resurrection and eternal beatitude in early, frequent and daily communion. Amen.