IX. Choir10 April
Goodness of GodEzechiel

“Nothing is hidden that will not be revealed….”

Again, an angel carries a word of God that we know from the Gospel. The angel, standing before God’s Throne, carefully holds a bird’s nest in his hands… with small, stretching, young birds inside. How does this symbol correspond with the Word of God? The angel is

Saint Thaama,

who carries the Eye of God throughout creation—the kindly Father’s Eye—so that it sees all our needs and our good will, but it also shines where something is covered by us.

All our deeds are like these little birds in the angel’s hands. They become fledglings… and when we stand before the judgement of God, then they sing a song of us—whether good or evil—as they were just born of our will.

Saint Thaama, this simple angel of the ninth choir, but serving in the fifth choir of the Powers, is like a kind mother, who, far-seeing and caring, directs our hearts, so that our deeds may not one day appear before us like crows and carrion birds, but may know how to sing a song of God’s love and mercy. Even under the Eyes of the Heavenly Father and the Judge, Jesus Christ, the angel still knows how to pacify us, to pull us back from imprudence and to put the little song and the little good word of ours in the right light.

It is up to us whether all our thoughts, words and works can stand up to the All-Seeing Eye of God. The Lord has given us His Mother, the Mother of Mercy, to ensure that they can stand up to our fickleness, our inner brokenness and sinfulness… and He has given us His angels. They make good what we have done badly, because they guide us to knowledge and repentance, and immerse everything with our repentance into the Blood of Our Lord, because they place everything in the Heart of the Lord, Who allowed Himself to be opened for us, so that we might all be safe there forever.

Prayer: Holy Angel of God, Saint Thaama, who sees right into our hearts, help us so that a song may always resound in them, and that it may become a way—poor, but intimate—for the Child whom Mary bears in Her Arms, and for salvation… for the salvation of us all for ever and ever. Amen.